Kevin Godin is the senior pastor of Redeeming Grace Church. He has been married to his bride and best friend, Beth Godin, since November 1997. They have two amazing children, Abigail and Zachary (and two cute dogs).
Kevin came to know Jesus as his savior at age 8 through discussions about the Gospel with his parents. One day, through God's grace, he realized he was a sinner and couldn't change that by himself. At that moment the Gospel seemed so precious to him that he placed his trust in Jesus to save him on the basis of Jesus' perfect life, sacrificial death, and victorious resurrection. Ever since, God has patiently and lovingly worked to transform Kevin more and more into a disciple of Christ.
For many years, Kevin served as a teacher, elder, and preacher, in various churches that affirmed his character and gifts as a preacher and pastor. When the congregation in Southgate was looking for a pastor that could help lead a revitalization and a new church plant they called Kevin and his family who were serving at a church in Pennsylvania. God made it possible for him and his family to relocate and serve here, faithfully preaching the word and pastoring the church with love.
Kevin is bivocational, also serving as a manager of a distribution company. He has a B.A. from the University of Michigan, an M.B.A. from the Pennsylvania State University, and did seminary coursework at Moody Theological Seminary. He is quick, however, to point to his time in the Word, prayer, and serving in the local church as his most valuable training for the pastorate.
Kevin enjoys spending time with his family, reading, playing the guitar, and fishing. His greatest passion, however, is to see God working to transform people's hearts so that their greatest desire is to love and worship him.